There's a good chance the instructions won't load properly on this emulation of Flash, but sometimes the original text can be seen on a reload. I preserved the instructions in a small transcription here:
"In this game, Icoe-koʊ finds himself lost in the middle of the fortress. As darkness envelops him, he must navigate towards each numbered block - in sequence - to illuminate the fortress.
Icoe-koʊ can move independently, but it's up to you to move the grey blocks in the direction of the numbers and thus lead him to the light. There are 8 levels in total.
Once you've navigated through all of them, you will be able to unlock Game 2
. To play click on the link."
*Of course, Game 2 is no longer available, but you can play all the levels nonetheless.
Here's some additional game info:
- If you can't see the 'PLAY' button: It's in the square game window, under the 2nd line break.
- You move the blocks along the grid by clicking/tapping and dragging them.
- When Icoe-koʊ hits an obstacle, he makes a decision based on his surroundings.
- If he hits a wall and finds another to his right, he must turn left. And vice versa.
- If he hits a wall and finds both the right and left paths are available, he will choose between them at random (a complete coin toss).
- If he hits a wall and finds there are walls on every other side, he is forced to backtrack, which is otherwise not an option for him.
- You can move blocks out of the walls if you're low on pathing resources.
- If a button is pressed out of sequence, the chain of numbers resets.
Where it resets to can depend on which button was pressed out of sequence. For instance, if Icoe-koʊ accidentally walked over the number 2 after already having activated every button up to 5 in sequence, the chain of numbers will be reduced back to 1 and 2. Numbers 3 through 5 will then have to be reactivated in the correct order.