NTSC-U PS2 Manual
Image: The cover page displays the North American box art, featuring Icoe-koʊ wielding his signature stick as a weapon in the foreground. His eyes somewhat perplexed, his mouth scowling, he looks off into the middle distance. Behind him is the Windmill area of the castle, and faded into the far left is a ghostly close up shot of Yorda.yoruda. A flock of birds so translucent that they're near completely obscured fly under the title card: "ICO".e-koʊ.
Warning Page
A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or while playing video games, including video games played on the PlayStation 2 console, may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing a video game — dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions — IMMEDIATLEY discontinue use and consult your physician before resuming play.
Do not connect your PlayStation 2 console to a projection TV without first consulting the user manual for your projection TV, unless it is of the LCD type. Otherwise, it may permanently damage your TV screen.
The use of software or peripherals not authorized by Sony Computer Entertainment America may damage your console and/or invalidate your warranty. Only official or licensed peripherals should be used in the controller ports or memory card slots.
- This disc is intended for use only with PlayStation 2 consoles with the NTSC-U/C designation.
- Do not bend it, crush it or submerge it in liquids.
- Do not leave it in direct sunlight or near a radiator or other source of heat.
- Be sure to take an occasional rest break during extended play.
- Keep this compact disc clean. Always hold the disc by the edges and keep it in its protective case when not in use. Clean the disc with a lint-free, soft, dry cloth, wiping in straight lines from center to outer edge. Never use solvents or abrasive cleaners.
ICOe-koʊ Tips and Hints
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Page 1
Getting Started — Page 2
Memory Cards — Page 2
Starting Up — Page 3
Controlling Icoe-koʊ — Page 4
Ico'se-koʊs Odyssey — Page 5
The Main Menu — Page 8
Loading Game Data — Page 8
The Pause Screen — Page 9
Options — Page 9
Playing ICOe-koʊ — Page 10
The Queen and The Princess — Page 11
Puzzling Out An Escape — Page 11
Protecting the Princess — Page 12
Couches and Saving Game Progress — Page 13
Jumping, Climbing and Hanging — Page 14
Ladders — Page 14
Chains — Page 14
Leaping — Page 15
Moving While Hanging — Page 15
Switches and Levers — Page 16
Moving Objects — Page 17
Pushing and Pulling Objects — Page 17
Picking Up Objects — Page 17
Doors — Page 18
Idol Doors — Page 18
Pressure Switch Doors — Page 18
Lever Gates — Page 19
The Spirits — Page 20
Fighting — Page 22
Losing — Page 24
Continue Play — Page 24
Stages — Page 25
Notes — Page 28
Credits — Page 30
Warranty — Page 33
Page 2
Image: A graphic of the PlayStation 2 with lines pointing to and labeling the consoles memory card slots, the disc tray, the reset button, the open button, the USB connector, the S400 i.LINK connector, as well as controller ports 1 and 2.
Text: Set up your PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system according to the instructions in its Instruction Manual. Make sure the MAIN POWER switch (located on the back of the console) is turned ON. Press the RESET button. When the power indicator lights up, press the open button and the disc tray will open. Place the ICOe-koʊ disc on the disc tray with the label side facing up. Attach game controllers and other peripherals, as appropriate. Follow on-screen instructions and refer to this manual for information on using the software.
To save game settings and progress, insert a memory card (for PlayStation 2) into MEMORY CARD slot 1 or slot 2 of your PlayStation 2. You can load saved game data from the same card, or any Memory Card (8 MB) (for PlayStation 2) containing previously saved ICOe-koʊ games. For information, see "Couches and Saving Game Progress" on Page 13.
Page 3
Dualshock 2 analog controller configuration
Image: A graphic of the PlayStation 2 controller, the Dualshock 2, and a diagram labeling its various buttons and analog sticks.
Start/Pause game — START button
Select Menu Item — Directional button UP/DOWN
Confirm Selection — x Button
Page 4
Run/Swim — left analog stick (analog sensitive). Can also be done with the directional pad.
Walk — To walk, you can either use the sensitivity of the analog stick or hold the circle button down and move with the directional pad or analog stick.
Jump Up — triangle button
Lunge/Strike with weapon — square button
Release — x button
Pull up and stand — left analog stick plus triangle button
Climb chains/pipes — left analog stick UP
Leap — left analog stick plus triangle button
Move while hanging — left analog stick
Hold Yorda'syorudas hand/Call her/Pull her up — R1 Button
Activate switch/Throw lever — circle button
Pick up objects or weapons — circle button
Throw objects — circle button
View surroundings — right analog stick
Zoom camera — R2 button
Page 5
Text: ICO'Se-koʊs ODYSSEY
Ico'se-koʊs nightmare started the day he drew his first breath. In his village, the birth of a normal child is a source of happiness and relief. Proud fathers show off their new offspring, reassuring themselves and others that this time, the curse has not left its mark. But some births bring suspicion and fear. Once in every generation, the curse arrives with the birth of a special child born with tiny horns jutting from his head.
With word of a cursed birth, fear leaps from person to person like a plague. The whole village settles into a state of quiet, suspicious panic. Any misfortune that befalls the village is blamed on the child with horns. If a crop fails or an illness strikes, he is blamed. Everyone wishes for the day of the sacrifice and the return to good fortune.
For Icoe-koʊ that day was his 12th birthday. When his horns grew large, the villagers knew that it was time. The elders would sacrifice him to keep the spirits from harming the village. In the morning, faceless horsemen arrived and took Icoe-koʊ away, riding deep into the forest and beyond. The journey ended at an ancient fortress ruin that stood crumbling against the harsh grey seas.
Image: A screenshot from the first cutscene of the game, displaying Icoe-koʊ on horseback with one of the described horsemen as they take him away from his village and to the castle.
Page 6
Text: Inside the fortress, stone crypts stood stacked in the massive fortress hall. A horseman placed Icoe-koʊ into one of the crypts and sealed the terrified boy inside. An eternity of torment would surely follow.
But a twist of destiny granted a short reprieve.
A dream within a nightmare showed Icoe-koʊ a vision of ghostly beauty that drives him to escape. Icoe-koʊ realized that he is not alone and he must free both himself and this lonely prisoner. Indeed his only way out is with the beautiful girl named Yorda.yoruda.
Image: A screenshot from a cutscene. It shows Yordayoruda after she's been freed from her cage. She alone is in the frame, looking up and absorbing her surroundings.
Image: Beside the prior screenshot is a 3D render of Icoe-koʊ, back turned to us, standing atop the wide post at the end of a stone bridge.
Page 7
Image: A screenshot from a cutscene. It shows Icoe-koʊ offering his hand to lift Yordayoruda from her position on the ground, after their first encounter with The Queen.
Text: An ancient Queen rules the castle and her body is beginning to fail. Icoe-koʊ must take Yordayoruda out of the castle before the evil Queen can stop them. He will learn quickly that the shortest distance between two places is a perilous detour. Centuries of disrepair have turned the castle into a death trap and many escape routes are hidden magical portals that must be opened by complex actions. Icoe-koʊ will literally crawl the walls in search of a way out.
Throughout the castle, spirits erupt from the floors to capture the princess and Icoe-koʊ must fight them off. Every twisted towering staircase and stone block of this castle tomb is the piece of a puzzle. Each torch and shaft of light illuminates another mystery. Every open window, dangling chain and razor thin escape is the invitation to one more riddle.
Solve the puzzles or join the tormented spirits forever.
Page 8
Image: A display of the game's title screen. The options 'Load' and 'New Game' are visible.
Text: Press the START button to display the Main Menu. Press the Directional button UP/DOWN to make a selection and press the x button.
NEW GAME - Begin a new game.
LOAD - To load an ICOe-koʊ game in progress:
- On the Title screen, highlight LOAD and press the x button.
- On the Load game screen, press the Directional button to select the game you want to continue playing and press the x button.
Note: See “Couches and Saving Game Progress” on page 13 to learn about saving game progress.
Image: A display of the memory card select screen, showing 'Slot 1' and 'Slot 2' as options.
Page 9
Press the START button to pause the game and display the Pause Screen. Press the Directional button UP/DOWN to select an option and press the x button.
- Press the Directional button UP/DOWN to highlight an option.
- Press the x button to change a setting or open the highlighted option.
Sound – Adjust the sound volume.
Vibration – Turn the vibration function ON/OFF.
Key Configuration – Highlight a control action and press the button you want to assign to that action. Select DEFAULT to undo any changes.
Brightness – Press the Directional button LEFT/RIGHT to adjust display brightness.
EXIT – Return to the game.
End Game – Quit playing ICO.e-koʊ.
Image: Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda behind the pause menu.
Page 10
Text: PLAYING ICOe-koʊ
Icoe-koʊ must escape the fortress with the girl and save her from the Queen’s evil designs. Begin Ico'se-koʊs escape from his sacrificial crypt. He has to first search out the girl in the cage and attempt to free her by escaping the castle. She is weak and easily overcome by the spirits who attempt to recapture her. There is no way out of this place without her. The whole fortress is designed to confuse and mislead the rare mortal that walks freely within its walls. Finding an escape route presents one puzzling dilemma after another. Some passages are merely blocked. Others require dangerous detours. Many paths are invisible until opened by some hidden trigger. Much of the fortress has fallen into disrepair. Walkways may crumble underfoot or chains may snap.
Search the corridors, halls and courtyards of the fortress and solve the puzzles within. When Icoe-koʊ and the girl reach a new stage in the journey, you are shown a glimpse of important elements as the camera pans around the new environment. These views hint at what is necessary to complete part of the escape.
Image: A screenshot from a cutscene, displaying Yordayoruda in her cage as it crashes to the ground.
Image: The 3D render of Icoe-koʊ from the cover art, now removed from the background.
Page 11
The Queen rules this fortress of enslaved spirits. She has the power over body and soul of any who enter. Like her underlings, the Queen can take pure spirit form. But she also assumes human form by inhabiting a body. The Queen will send her spirit slaves after Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda to foil any escape. But you can be sure, if Icoe-koʊ proves resourceful enough to outwit this fortress, she will take a more direct role in dealing with him.
Image: A screenshot from a cutscene. Yordayoruda holds onto Ico'se-koʊs hand as she is consumed by darkness. The Queen looming over her.
- To scan your surroundings, use the right analog stick.
- Press the R2 button to zoom in on points of interest.
Many important routes may be high overhead. Look for handholds on walls, broken windows, pipes, chains or ledges. Peer into the darkness or use a torch to discover useful escape routes obscured by darkness. Gain insights into future exploration by looking off in the distance when Icoe-koʊ and the princess are outside and can view the rest of the fortress from a parapet or other high position.
Image: A screenshot from a cutscene. Icoe-koʊ takes in his surroundings after being freed from his coffin.
Page 12
If Icoe-koʊ loses the princess to the spirits, the escape is a failure. Try to keep her as close and protected as possible. The princess cannot go every place that Icoe-koʊ needs to go and he has no choice but to leave her at times.
- To call the princess, press the R1 button. If she is able, Yordayoruda will walk toward Ico.e-koʊ.
- To take the princess by the hand, walk up to her and press the R1 button. Icoe-koʊ can pull her along with him. To release her, press the R1 button again.
- Sometimes the princess will have enough strength to climb. Other times she will need help. To make Icoe-koʊ bend down to pull her up to him, walk to a position close to a ledge and press the R1 button. Icoe-koʊ may bend down and grab the princess or she will climb up to him.
She may become disoriented and wander away, leaving her vulnerable to the next attack by the spirits. If you do not see the princess, press and hold the R1 button to call out to her. If she is within view, the camera will shift briefly to let you see where she is.
Image: The ghostly render of Yorda'syorudas face from the cover is present in the left margin.
Image: Icoe-koʊ calls Yordayoruda up a flight of stairs.
Page 13
Text: When the Spirits Attack
When the spirits rise up to retrieve Yordayoruda, they will attempt to drag her back to the portals. When the spirits attack, send Icoe-koʊ in to counter-attack any way he can, barehanded if necessary. The spirits only want Yordayoruda, but they will attack Icoe-koʊ if he gets in the way.
Sit Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda down in couches to save game progress. Sit Icoe-koʊ down while holding Yorda'syorudas hand and she will follow. Both Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda must be seated to save game progress. With Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda resting in a couch, the Save Game screen will appear:
- Press the x button with YES highlighted to begin saving.
- Select the file you want to save the game to.
- If prompted to OVERWRITE data, select YES and press the x button or select a different file in which to save the game.
Image: Yordayoruda and Icoe-koʊ sit on a bench, saving the game.
Page 14
Much of Ico'se-koʊs progress through the game will involve climbing and hanging from ledges or chains to find routes through the fortress. To jump up and grab a ledge, chain or pipe, press the triangle button.
- Climb a ladder by walking up to it and pressing the left analog stick UP. To climb down press the left analog stick DOWN. (The directional buttons can also be used.)
- The princess climbs or descends ladders with some encouragement. After she ascends or descends a ladder, press the R1 button to tell her to climb.
Image: Yordayoruda makes her way down the rungs of a ladder.
Jump While Hanging from a Chain
Icoe-koʊ can crawl up a chain and jump either forward or backward. Once Icoe-koʊ is at the height you want him to jump from, press the triangle button to jump back away from the chain.
Image: Icoe-koʊ climbs up the length of a chain.
Page 15
Text: Swinging from Chains
Icoe-koʊ can swing back and forth on chains to throw himself great distances. After climbing onto a chain, press and hold the circle button. Then press the left analog stick back and forth (either LEFT/RIGHT or UP/DOWN) to begin swinging.
- To let go of a swinging chain, press the triangle button.
- To slide down a chain, press the left analog stick DOWN.
To leap: Press the left analog stick in the direction you want Icoe-koʊ to leap and press the triangle button.
Some situations demand that Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda make great leaps across open chasms or broken bridges. Some of these are leaps of faith and can end the game if Icoe-koʊ or Yordayoruda takes a fatal fall.
The princess will leap with encouragement from Ico.e-koʊ. After he leaps across an open area, turn Icoe-koʊ toward her and press the R1 button. He will lean over the edge and reach for the princess as she flies toward him.
Look for horizontal pipes or ledges to hang from. Then move left or right. When Icoe-koʊ runs out of room to move, look for more handholds directly above or below him.
- To let go of a ledge and drop, press the x button.
- To hoist Icoe-koʊ up to stand on the ledge he was hanging from, press the triangle button.
Image: Icoe-koʊ moving across a pipe.
Page 16
When Icoe-koʊ finds switches and levers, press the circle button to throw them.
Pressure switches open doors or sometimes reveal unseen avenues of escape. Some pressure switches must bear constant weight to keep a passage open. Remove the weight and the passage snaps shut.
Levers control machinery or open passages. A lever may be far from the device it controls. Throw a lever by walking up to it and pressing the circle button.
Image: Icoe-koʊ pulls a lever.
Page 17
Some objects can be pushed or pulled to operate machinery, open passages, reveal something useful or to use as a step.
- To push an object, lean Icoe-koʊ against it, press and hold the circle button and press the left analog stick toward the object.
- To pull an object, lean Icoe-koʊ against it, press and hold the circle button and press the left analog stick away from the object.
Image: Icoe-koʊ pulls a box across the ground.
Press the circle button to pick up weapons or other objects.
When picking up heavy objects, Icoe-koʊ will bend down and heave the object up. Press the left analog stick to move the item where you want and press the circle button to set it down.
Be careful! If you press the circle button while Icoe-koʊ is moving forward he will throw the object instead of setting it down.
Image: Icoe-koʊ wields a stick with a flame lit at the end.
Page 18
Idol doors mark the progression from one stage to the next. Carved in them are images of the sorry horned souls who arrived before Ico.e-koʊ. Icoe-koʊ is mortal and in most cases, cannot open an Idol Door. The Princess Yordayoruda, who straddles the real and spiritual world, can open these doors. Icoe-koʊ may discover the secret to opening these doors himself at a later time.
Image: Icoe-koʊ watches as Yordayoruda opens a set of Idol Doors.
Pressure switch doors respond when weight is applied to the pressure switch in front of them. Once Icoe-koʊ and the princess pass through them, they may slam shut. If there is no pressure switch on the other side, returning through them may be impossible.
Image: Icoe-koʊ opens a door with a pressure pad switch as Yordayoruda stands by.
Page 19
Image: Icoe-koʊ jumps at a wall switch.
Find levers to open huge gates that block Icoe-koʊ and Yorda'syorudas way. You may find that others can control these gates.
Image: A large render of the windmill, taken from the background of the game's cover.
Page 20
Spirits flow up through solid rock anywhere in the fortress to recapture the princess and return her to the cage. Most are slow but all are relentless. Some attack or distract Icoe-koʊ while others drag the princess into a portal. They must materialize to grab the princess and are then vulnerable to attack.
Spider wraiths scamper around madly without attacking Yorda.yoruda. They may congregate close to her but seem too weak to drag her away. But when Icoe-koʊ defeats a larger spirit, they morph into a replacement and attack.
Image: Icoe-koʊ takes a fighting stance as two spider wraiths approach at his side.
Page 21
Sentries are the size of a grown man. They may try to separate Icoe-koʊ and the princess before throwing her over a shoulder and walking into a portal. Sentries can dodge some attacks or throw up shields.
Image: Icoe-koʊ holds Yorda'syorudas hand while fighting the Shadows at Graveyard.
These large hulking spirits can knock Icoe-koʊ across a room. They may attack in pairs while pounding and tossing Icoe-koʊ so furiously he cannot counterattack. They often try to corner him while another drags the princess away.
Image: The Shadows surround Icoe-koʊ in the coffin room.
Occasionally, other apparitions will appear to battle Icoe-koʊ and attempt to take back Yorda.yoruda. Do not take these spirits lightly.
Page 22
Icoe-koʊ can destroy the spirits that come to steal back the princess. In the moments they materialize, they can be attacked and destroyed.
There are weapons in the fortress Icoe-koʊ can find to help him defend Yorda.yoruda. To attack with a weapon, press the square button. If spirits latch onto the princess, Icoe-koʊ can attack them without fear of hurting her.
If Icoe-koʊ is weaponless, he can drive his horns into spirits by lunging at them (square button plus left analog stick). Weaker ones are sometimes spent sprawling. Stronger spirits may respond by hurling Icoe-koʊ across a room.
The stick is Ico'se-koʊs weakest weapon, but it can double as a torch should you discover how to light it. The stick will defeat Spider Wraiths easily and can defeat Sentries. Though he can defeat larger spirits with a stick, they have a better chance of taking Yordayoruda back to their portal.
Image: Icoe-koʊ fights a Shadow with a stick, standing next to the stairs at Graveyard.
Page 23
Icoe-koʊ can find swords but they must be won by solving a puzzle. They are far superior to a stick for fighting spirits and one carries essential magical powers.
Image: Icoe-koʊ fights a set of Shadows on the East Crag using the sword.
To use a bomb against a spirit or to clear an obstruction:
- Light the fuse with a flame from a torch. Have Icoe-koʊ hold the stick up to a torch to light the end of it, then move the stick towards the bomb or pick up a bomb and hold it up to a torch.
- Pick up the bomb by pressing the circle button.
- Press and hold the left analog stick in the direction you want to throw and press the circle button.
Page 24
Icoe-koʊ or Yordayoruda suffers a fatal fall
Icoe-koʊ or Yordayoruda can survive short falls. After a short fall, each will get up and recover. But if the fall is too far, it will be fatal and the game is over.
The Spirits capture Yordayoruda
If a spirit can take Yordayoruda back to a portal and disappear into the floor with her, the game is over.
When Icoe-koʊ or Yordayoruda is mortally injured, the Continue Screen appears. You will be prompted to continue the game. Select YES to continue play from the last couch where you saved game progress.
Image: The red continue screen is overlayed over the gap that the player has fallen into.
Page 25
Learn the art of the detour in this first puzzle. Icoe-koʊ dreamed of her, and now he must search for Yordayoruda in the cage. There is no exit from this towering tomb without her. If Icoe-koʊ can even free the girl, smoldering spirits will not waste a moment before attempting to snatch her away. Take the time to learn how to guide Yorda.yoruda. Discover when she will follow and when she needs to be grabbed and rushed out of danger (R1 button). If they can make it outside, a commanding view of the castle complex will hint at escape routes. The sacrificial tombs stand isolated from the castle. The only hope of escape is a rail trip right to the heart of this bewildering prison.
Image: A set of standing coffins within the game's starting room.
The fear of eternal confinement gives way to the terror of falling. Scurry along the high crumbling battlements on the outside walls where a miscalculated leap means a descent into oblivion. Yordayoruda and Ico'se-koʊs fate may lie in the strength of the other’s grip. It is here that the spirits make a relentless show of force as Icoe-koʊ attempts to puzzle out a solution to the drawbridge.
Image: An overview of the parallel drawbridges overlooking the courtyard.
Page 26
Travel a long windblown parapet atop a sky-high castle bridge to enter the first area of this baffling puzzle. Terror gives way to frustration as Icoe-koʊ tries to figure out how to open huge circular doors that serve some unknown purpose. Symmetry is really two sides of the same riddle, one left and one right. Icoe-koʊ will confront the other side later. The spirits level a furious effort to reclaim Yordayoruda while pounding Icoe-koʊ to the ground. A better weapon would even the score as the spirits become bigger and meaner. Another cage awaits and the Queen prepares to take a personal role in stopping the escape.
Image: Icoe-koʊ stands on the end of the Old Bridge.
Water moves toward the sea but where it comes from is a mystery. Begin by solving the puzzle of the waterfall. It is easy for Icoe-koʊ to move through this area, but finding a path for Yordayoruda is not. Next, descend into the rock underground that supports the castle and move toward the seaside cliffs. Peril returns as Icoe-koʊ tries to figure out how to cross decaying wooden catwalks that lead to the outer reaches of the castle. Huge leaps are your only hope for moving forward. The fortress juts straight out of the cliff here and some connecting walkways have crumbled into the ocean long ago. Exploit the decay and ancient machinery to travel this confusing and deadly area.
Image: Icoe-koʊ preparing to leap from one hanging cage to another, in the area just below the castle.
Page 27
Icoe-koʊ must descend underground to an ocean inlet where huge wheels churn under the water cascading over the cliffs. Icoe-koʊ must find his way up through the waterworks lunging from gear to gear in search of a path out. Then he will descend below the castle out onto the cliff face as an ever-narrowing path vanishes, leaving Icoe-koʊ in a free-climbing nightmare. He must hang onto slippery rain-soaked rocks hundreds of feet in the air carefully looking for hand holds in the dim light. Discovery of a pipeline means he survived.
The time of transition is near and the Queen plays her final card. She orders her Spirits to destroy Icoe-koʊ if he insists on interfering. Icoe-koʊ, who came to the castle as just one more sacrificed soul, now stands as a threat to the Queen’s very existence.
Page 28
Image: The page is left blank for the player to write their own notes as they progress through the game. The same logic applies to the following page.
Page 29
Image: The page is left blank for the player to write their own notes as they progress through the game. The same logic applies to the prior page.
Page 30
Director – Fumito Ueda
Producer – Kenji Kaido
Executive Producer – Yasuhide Kobayashi
Supervisor – Akira Sato, Fumiya Takeno, Masatsuka Saeki
Game Design – Fumito Ueda
Planners – Junichi Hosono, Kei Kuwabara, Tsutomu Kouno
Character Animation – Atsuko Fukuyama, Takeshi Ambe (ICOe-koʊ,YORDAyoruda,QUEEN) Mizuki Muramatsu (SmokeMan, ICOe-koʊ) Fumito Ueda (Lead Animator)
Background Artists – Kazuhiro Numata, Nanako Ohmura, Chikara Ueno, Mitsuhiro Shimooki, Katsuhiro Abe, Atsushi Morioka, Taijurou Hachiya, Mikiko Takeda, Kaihei Hayano, Tsutomu Kouno
Character Design – Fumito Ueda, Chika Fukui, Kazuhiro Numata, Mitsuhiro Shimooki
System Program – Jinji Horagai, Fumiaki Hara
Character & Objects Program – Shotaro Omori, Hajime Sugiyama, Toshihiro Ito
Motion System Program – Hajime Sugiyama
YORDA A.I.yoruda. a. eye. Program – Shotaro Omori, Jinji Horagai
Draw Engine Program – Takuya Seki
Visual Program – Hajime Sugiyama, Takuya Seki
Tools Program – Toshihiro Ito
Scripting – Junichi Hosono
Page 31
Sound Designer – Masaaki Kaneko
Sound Effects – Masaaki Kaneko, Keiichi Kitahara
Music Supervisor – George Asahi
Composer – Michiru Ohshima, Pentagon
Music Arrangements – Pentagon
Recording Coordination – Lynne Hobday (ORTUS PRODUCTIONS JAPAN) Emari Mamiya (TOUSHITU SEISAKU CO., LTD.)
Recording Studio – MASTER ROCK STUDIO (London)
Engineer – Roland Herrington
Voice of ICOe-koʊ – Kazuhiro Shindou
Voice of YORDAyoruda – Rieko Takahashi
Voice of the QUEEN – Misa Watanabe
Voice Production – Miho Kawagoe, Shinsaku Tanaka (TOHOKUSHINSHA FILM CORPORATION)
Subtitles – Hideo Sato (A.M.L.)
Technical Cooperation – Junichi Kobayashi, Satoru Fukui, Toshitake Tsuchikura, Koji Mitsuda, Asako Sanada
Overseas Coodination (Sic) – Katsuhiko Kanazawa, Masaaki Doi, Tsubasa Inaba, Mikiko Okai, Koji Saito
VP of Product Development – Shuhei Yoshida
Director of Product Development – Connie Booth
Producer – Darren Yager
Assistant Producers – Ron Allen, Ken Chan
Director, FPQA – Michael Blackledge
Senior Manager, FPQA – Ritchard Markelz
Core Manager, FPQA – Sam Bradley
Usability Manager, FPQA – Christian Arends
Technical Coordinator, FPQA – Ara Demirjian
Project Manager, FPQA – Nicole Nokes
Project Coordinator, FPQA – Eric Ippolito
Lead – Andrew Woodworth
Testers – Ericson Babaran, Raymond Chung, Lenny Gordon, Ryan Gorospe, Andrew Jennings
Page 32
Text: Testers (Cont.) – Joel Manzano, Randy Miranda, Ed Toomey, Wil Shepard
Senior Vice-President of Marketing – Andrew House
Director of Marketing – Ami Matsumura-Blaire
Product Manager – John Koller
Product Marketing Specialist – Maggie Rojas
Director of Public Relations – Molly Smith
Public Relations – Patrick Seybold, Tina Casalino
Director of Promotions – Sharon Shapiro
Promotions – Donna Armentor, Aimee Duell, Johanna Legarda, Mary Thomas, Jill Grabencort
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Page 33
Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) warrants to the original purchaser of this SCEA product that this software is free from defects in material and workmanship of a period of ninety (90) days from the original date of purchase. SCEA agrees for a period of ninety (90) days either repair or replace, at its option, the SCEA product. You must call 1-800-345-SONY to receive instructions to obtain repair/replacement services.
This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect in the SCEA product has arisen through abuse, unreasonable use, mistreatment or neglect.
Some states do not allow limitations as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or limitations of consequential damages, so the above limitations and/or exclusions of liability may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Back Cover Advertisement
Coming Winter 2002
Image: PlayStation logo. Text: PlayStation 2. Image: Surreal Software Logo.
Text: Sony Computer Entertainment America, 919 East Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City, CA 94404 www.scea.com
Drakan: The Ancients’ Gates is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Developed by Surreal Software, Inc. Copyright 2001 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Licensed for play on PlayStation 2 computer entertainment systems with the NTSC U/C designation only. “PlayStation” and the “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Interactive Digital Software Association. Manufactured and printed in the U.S.A. THIS SOFTWARE IS COMPATIBLE WITH PLAYSTATION 2 CONSOLES WITH THE NTSC U/C DESIGNATION. U.S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS PENDING.
Visit www.esrb.org or call 1-800-771-3772 for more info.
Image: A small humanoid figure (Rynn, presumably) rides atop a large, red draconic figure (Arokh, presumably) through a canyon. In the distance, mountains are obscured by a haze of heat. Plateaus of varying heights closer to the figures have palm trees atop browning grass. A fireball streaks across the center of the screen, from the dragon towards the left side of the screen. A river runs through the bottom of the canyon. Two red circles rest at the bottom left and right corners of the screen, presumably part of the user interface.
Image: A red-headed humanoid woman (Rynn, presumably) stands in a snowy area. She is wearing leather pants, a leather tank-top like shirt, and leather bracers on her arms, and wielding a two-handed sword with four spikes on the guard, two spikes in the middle of the blade, and two larger spikes further to the top of the blade. In the background, there is a mountain range, and a small assemblage of evergreen trees (pine, presumably) all covered in a light dusting of snow. The sky is gray, and the sun appears as a white orb resting near the top of one of the mountains. In the bottom left corner of the image is a red orb and a blue bard, and on the lower right corner is a blue orb, all assumed to be part of the user interface.
Japan PS2
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いったい少女を閉じ込めていたのは誰だろうか? 影たちを操っている誰かがいるんじゃないだろうか? ということです。
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Unofficial English Translation of Japanese PS2 Manual
[by Mystic Ode]
Page 4
A tale set in an unknown era, at an unknown place.
Icoe-koʊ had horns. Icoe-koʊ was the only one in the village with horns.
When a child is born with horns, it is the tradition of the village to offer the child as a human sacrifice to a vacant Castle that towers over the sea. This year, Icoe-koʊ was to be brought to that Castle.
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On his 13th birthday, 3 priests on horseback took him to the Castle, but Icoe-koʊ did not struggle.
He more or less knew what would become of him after this, but he believed this was the natural order of things, you see.
Upon entering the Castle, he found the interior was gloomy and felt a tinge of loneliness. Even so, Icoe-koʊ endured.
Eventually, Icoe-koʊ was placed in one of many capsules in a chamber at the heart of the Castle. The lid of the capsule closed and the priests’ footsteps could no longer be heard, finally leaving Icoe-koʊ all alone.
Icoe-koʊ quietly closed his eyes.
After what could have been a very short time or a very long time, the chamber suddenly began to shake.
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The capsule containing Icoe-koʊ rolled off its pedestal, and Icoe-koʊ was thrown into the middle of the chamber.
Ico,e-koʊ, knocked unconscious by the shock of being slammed against the floor, had a dark and eerie dream in which he came across a demon and was swallowed up by a shadow.
Before long, Icoe-koʊ awoke from his dream. He realized he was alone, but free, in the interior of the vast Castle, and he began to walk without any particular destination.
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And so, Ico'se-koʊs little adventure began.
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Game Progression
Ico'se-koʊs encounter with a mysterious girl. A black shadow gives chase.
While wandering the Castle, Icoe-koʊ came across a girl imprisoned in a cage.
Icoe-koʊ would not abandon her, and helped the girl out of the cage.
But at that moment, a creature with a shadowy, smoke-like visage materialized, seized the girl, and began trying to drag her into a black hole that resembled a nest of shadows!
Icoe-koʊ was surprised by this sudden turn of events, but felt that he had to save the girl, so he used a nearby stick to drive the shadow back and somehow succeeded in rescuing her.
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Thus, in order to save this mysterious girl with whom he couldn't even communicate, he took her hand and decided that, together, they would escape from the Castle.
Those shadows were always lying in wait for the pair wherever they went.
Each time they materialized, Icoe-koʊ put his small body on the line to protect the girl from the shadows.
Because he felt that if the girl was engulfed by the nest of shadows, it would result in something that could never be undone.
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Icoe-koʊ also offered his hand from the tops of high walls, pulling the girl up where she couldn’t seem to climb. And even on paths that were insurmountable for the girl alone, he created new routes for her by moving various mechanisms.
Conversely, the girl used her miraculous powers to open the puzzling stone statues that blocked the boy's path.
There also seemed to be some mysterious mechanisms in the Castle that wouldn’t stir for anyone but the girl.
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Icoe-koʊ seemed to be stronger than a normal child because of his horns.
If he were to fall from a tremendous height, he likely wouldn’t survive; but if he jumped from a moderate height, he’d land on his rear at worst.
Because of this, he was able to stand up every time he was injured by the shadows, and he always faced them to protect the girl.
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Operation Guide
Icoe-koʊ moved around the Castle using the left stick. A small push of the left stick caused him to walk cautiously, and a large push caused him to start running energetically.
When he was knocked down by a shadow, he was able to get up swiftly by moving the left stick as much as possible (or pressing buttons as much as possible).
Also, by moving the right stick, Icoe-koʊ was able to freely look around rooms to see the parts of the Castle that he wanted to see. Furthermore, by pressing the R2 button, he was able to examine the part he wanted to see in more detail.
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At first, Icoe-koʊ didn't know how to properly interact with the girl, but before long he realized that he could hold hands with her by pressing the R1 button.
Around the same time, Icoe-koʊ also realized that when the girl is far away from him, he’d be able to call out to her by pressing the R1 button.
The R1 button was essential to both find and pull out the girl whenever she was dragged into a nest of shadows.
When Icoe-koʊ saw something that could be moved or picked up, he pressed the OCircle button.
When it felt like he could accomplish something else with an object, Icoe-koʊ didn’t hesitate to press the OCircle button.
He also pressed the △Triangle button to jump, the ▣Square button to battle the shadows (either by swinging a stick or ramming his body), and if Icoe-koʊ was dangling and couldn't step down, he pressed the ✕x button to drop.
Sometimes when he wanted to take a break or change his mood, he also pressed the START button.
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Save and Load
Here and there throughout the Castle, there were sofas made of stone with strange patterns painted on them.
The pattern seemed to react to the girl, and when she approached the sofa, the pattern emitted light, making it seem as if a miraculous power dwelled in the sofa.
Icoe-koʊ gently sat down on the sofa by himself, but nothing happened.
However, when the girl sat next to Ico,e-koʊ, the pair were blanketed by a curious feeling and fell asleep.
This sofa was a keeper of memory.
If the girl and Icoe-koʊ sit on the sofa and etch their memories into it, then even if Icoe-koʊ forgets about that part of the Castle for a while, they will always be able to return to that place.
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In order for Icoe-koʊ to return to his original position after being separated from the Castle, all he needs to do is select "Continue" while looking out over the panoramic view of the Castle and choose the location of the sofa he wants to return to.
The sofa could store up to 10 memories.
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The Castle had a very strange shape, and Icoe-koʊ was often fascinated by its diverse scenery.
The now-ruined dance hall recalls the splendor of the Castle’s bygone days, and the huge waterfall beneath the Castle symbolized the majesty of nature.
Witnessing the many mysterious sights of the Castle, Icoe-koʊ found himself taken with its existence, even as he wished to escape it.
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When he encountered, for example, a place that seemed empty at first glance, or a place that didn't seem like it could lead anywhere, Icoe-koʊ didn't panic.
In those moments, when he looked at the girl, he found that she sometimes pointed out the things she was interested in. And these were things that would play an essential role in accomplishing tasks throughout their journey.
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Additionally, Ico,e-koʊ, who was brimming with curiosity, used the △Triangle button to jump and grab onto various places, and the OCircle button to touch various things and pick up small items lying about.
(There seemed to be two types of small items: usable and unusable.)
It seemed that by doing so, he was sometimes able to go to unforeseen places and make unexpected things move.
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After they had been wandering for a while, it seemed that only Ico,e-koʊ, the girl, and the shadows of various shapes were in the Castle, but Icoe-koʊ had some questions about that.
Things like, “Who on earth was imprisoning the girl?” and “Could there be someone controlling the shadows?”
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Then, when Icoe-koʊ and the girl were midway through their escape play, a certain person stood in their way.
Image: A painting in the style of Ramsès Younan, specifically "Tropique du Cancer", Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda are two small silhouettes, running, hand in hand, across a vast plane of yellow sand. Structures impose in both the rightmost foreground and the leftmost background. The background structure is the windmill, seen from its side, a bridge at the top connecting another building that cannot be seen. The foreground structure is a series of stacked arches that a ladder allows access to. The title rests in the top right corner: "ICO".e-koʊ.
Warning Page
Text: Precautions
•This disc contains software for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. Never use this disc on any other system, as it could damage it. • This disc conforms to PlayStation 2 specifications for the PAL market only. It cannot be used on other specification versions of PlayStation 2. • Read the PlayStation 2 Instruction Manual carefully to ensure correct usage. • When inserting this disc in the PlayStation 2 always place it with the required playback side facing down. • When handling the disc, do not touch the surface. Hold it by the edge. • Keep the disc clean and free of scratches. Should the surface become dirty, wipe it gently with a soft dry cloth. • Do not leave the disc near heat sources or in direct sunlight or excessive moisture. • Do not use an irregularly shaped disc, a cracked or warped disc, or one that has been repaired with adhesives, as it could lead to malfunction.
Health Warning
For your health, be sure to take a break of about 15 minutes during every hour of play. Avoid playing when tired or suffering from lack of sleep. Always play in a well-lit room, sitting as far from the screen as the cord will allow. Some people experience epileptic seizures when viewing flashing lights or patterns in our daily environment. These people may experience seizures while watching TV pictures or playing video games. Even players who have never had any seizures may nonetheless have an undetected epileptic condition. Consult your doctor before playing video games if you have an epileptic condition or immediatley should you experience any of the following symptoms during play: dizziness, altered vision, muscle twitching, other involuntary movements, loss of awareness of your surroundings, mental confusion, and / or convulsions.
The unauthorised reproduction of all or any game part of this product and the unauthorised use of registered trademarks are likely to constitute a criminal offence. PIRACY harms Consumers as well as legitimate Developers, Publishers and Retailers. If you suspect this game product is an unauthorised copy, or have any other information about pirate product, please call your local Customer Service number given at the back of this Manual.
See back page of this manual for Customer Service Numbers.
Pan European Games Information (PEGI) Age-Rating System
The PEGI age-rating system protects minors from games unsuitable for their particular age group. PLEASE NOTE it is not a guide to gaming difficulty. Comprising two parts, PEGI allows parents and those purchasing games for children to make an informed choice appropriate tot the age of the intended player. The first part is an age rating:-
Images: Five black squares are lined up in a row. Obscured in the black are several dull grey repetitions of the acronym 'ISFE', all printed diagonally. Overlapping and obscuring these letters are large white numbers, listing the age rating:
The first is 3 and up. The second is 7 and up. The third is 12 and up. The fourth is 16 and up. The fifth is 18 and up.
Text: The second is icons indicating the type of content in the game. Depending on the game, there may be a number of such icons. The age-rating of the game reflects the intensity of this content. The icons are:-
Images: Six black squares are lined up in a row. Obscured in the black are several dull grey repetitions of the acronym 'ISFE', all printed diagonally. Overlapping and obscuring these letters are white and black images that represent each content warning.
The first is 'VIOLENCE' and depicts clenched fist with sharp impact lines surrounding it. The second is 'BAD LANGUAGE' and depicts a speech bubble filled with a censored expletive comprised of the symbols: @ * !.exclamation point. The third is 'FEAR' and depicts a semi-detailed silhouette of a spider. The fourth is 'SEXUAL CONTENT' and depicts interlocked Venus and Mars planetary symbols, commonly used to express female and male genders respectively. They are connected by the circles at the top of Venus' symbol and the base of Mars' symbol. The fifth is 'DRUGS' and depicts a syringe partially filled with a liquid that appears to be draining out of the container. The sixth is 'DISCRIMINATION' and features three people, some shaded differently. In the center is a human with a white outline and dark shading. Surrounding this figure, on both sides, are two completely white human silhouettes that appear to be slightly taller.
Text: For further information visit http://www.pegi.info
1 Player • Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation 2) : 360KB minimum • Analog Control Compatible: analog sticks only • Vibration Function Compatible
ICOe-koʊ 2001-2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. Library programs 1997-2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. exclusively licensed to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. FOR HOME USE ONLY. Unauthorised copying, adaptation, rental, lending, distribution, extraction, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, public performance and internet, cable or any telecommunications transmission, access or use of this product or any trademark or copyright work that forms part of this product are prohibited.
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Text: ICOe-koʊ
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of The Castle in the Mist from above. It is very detailed with sharp contrast between dark and lit areas of the map. Only a small portion of the full castle layout can be seen from the diagonal trajectory, but among the landmarks are the crane, the railway, East Arena, and a vantage point where the player can see it all from in-game.
Text: English
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Set up your PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system according to the instructions in its instruction manual. Check that the POWER indicator on the front of the console is lit up red. Press the POWER/RESET button and the POWER indicator will light up green.
Press the EJECT button on the console front to open the disc cover and place the ICOe-koʊ disc in the disc holder with the label side facing upwards. Press lightly until the disc clicks into place. Close the disc cover by pressing firmly until you hear a click. ICOe-koʊ will then commence loading.
Do not insert or remove accessories once the power is turned on.
PLEASE NOTE: the information in this manual was correct at the time of going to print, but some minor changes may have been made late in the product's development. All screenshots for this manual have been taken from the English version of this product, and some screenshots might have been taken from pre-completion screens that differ slightly from those in the finished product.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of a young man with small ox-like horns, sitting, his back leaning heavily against the base of a tree. Though his face is blurry in this styling, we can tell it is Icoe-koʊ, or rather an early conceptual depiction of him.
Numerous aspects of his costume are different from how he is depicted in-game, including a pair of shorts, a hefty cloth along his shoulders, and a strap that runs diagonally across his torso, ending in what appears to be a sword in its scabbard. His mantle and its complex patterning are not seen here. He does not appear to have bandages around his head.
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Text: It is recommended that you select your preferred language settings from the PlayStation 2 System Configuration before commencing play. Choose from English, French, Italian, German or Spanish.
MEMORY CARD (8MB) (For PlayStation 2)
PLEASE NOTE: throughout this manual, the term 'Memory Card' is used to describe the Memory Card (8MB) (for PlayStation 2) - (product code SCPH-10020 E). Memory Cards (SCPH-1020 E) designed for use with PlayStation 2 (PS one) format software are not compatible with this game.
To save game settings and progress, insert a Memory Card into MEMORY CARD slot 1 or MEMORY CARD slot 2 of your console. You can load saved game data from the inserted Memory Card, or any Memory Card containing previously saved ICOe-koʊ data. Make sure there is enough free space on your Memory Card before commencing play.
In this manual, up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow etc. are used to denote the direction of both the directional buttons and the left and right analog sticks. In order to use the left and right analog sticks, the Analog Controller (DUALSHOCK 2) should be in analog mode (indicator: red).
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Ico'se-koʊs nightmare began on the day he drew his first breath. At the moment when he was raised up to the light, a scream rang out into the night. For there, in plain view, was the Sign - two horns, quite small but quite distinct, protruding from either side of the newborn infant's head.
There was no joyous celebration of Ico'se-koʊs birth, no proud expression in his father's eyes. His arrival brought only suspicion and fear. The villagers had hoped against hope that the curse might skip their generation. But here was the Sign, and it could not be ignored. Nor could the plagues that struck their children, or the failure of the harvests year after year. They prayed desperately for the day when the tribulations would end.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of the cliffside under the castle. A large cavern seems to draw the sketch into itself. Down near the base of the image, on the waters, is a small depiction of a boat, where the men taking Icoe-koʊ row him into the depths of the castle.
Text: That day, as tradition decreed, was the day of Ico'se-koʊs twelfth birthday. At dawn, the faceless horsemen came for Ico.e-koʊ. His family did not try to resist, nor did they weep for the loss of their child. Ico'se-koʊs fate had been decided long ago.
The horsemen rode deep into the dark, twisting forest. Although Icoe-koʊ did not know what his final destination was to be, he could feel his fear rising with every moment that passed. After many hours, an ancient fortress ruin came into view. It stood vast and foreboding against the stormy horizon. Icoe-koʊ could hear the sound of waves crashing against the rocky cliffs below. His heart began to
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text: pound in his chest as he searched desperately for a way to escape, but found none. His time had come.
Ignoring his desperate cries, the horsemen dragged the terrified boy through the fortress gates and into a vast stone hall. Its walls were filled from floor to ceiling with rows of strange stone caskets. It was at that moment that Icoe-koʊ realised what his fate was to be. The horsemen bundled him into a casket and pulled the heavy stone lid closed, shutting out the light forever. Icoe-koʊ was left alone in the darkness, sentenced to spend the rest of eternity in silent torment.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration showing a series of square capsules stacked into columns of three. The rightmost are the closest to our view, but then curve off into the left where they grow distant and numerous. Stairs occasionally lead up to their bases. Each seems to have a plaque or slot on their lids. In the final game, the coffins do not quite take this form.
Text: But now, fate has granted a reprieve. Icoe-koʊ will discover that he is not alone in this mysterious place. A young girl named Yordayoruda has been held captive in the fortress, consumed by loneliness and sorrow. With Ico'se-koʊs encouragement, she will begin to have hope once more.
However, they will quickly discover that the entire castle is a prison, a fortress from which escape will not be easy. Shadowy spirits emerge from gloomy corners, desperate to drag Yordayoruda back into the darkness. Every twisting staircase, creaking door and towering pillar is part of a larger puzzle. Each torch and shaft of light only serves to illuminate another mystery.
But together, if the pair persevere, they will surely find a way out, a way back to the light...
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Image: A graphic of the PlayStation 2 controller, the Dualshock 2, and a diagram labeling its various buttons and analog sticks.
Start / Pause game — START button
Select menu item — up arrow, down arrow, left arrow and right arrow
Confirm menu selection — x button
Run / swim — Left analog stick (up arrow, down arrow, left arrow and right arrow)
Walk — circle button plus left analog stick (up arrow, down arrow, left arrow and right arrow)
Jump Up — triangle button
Lunge / strike with weapon — square button
Release — x button
Pull up from a hanging position — triangle button plus up arrow
Climb chains / pipes — up arrow
Slide down chains / pipes — down arrow
Leap — triangle button plus left analog stick (up arrow, down arrow, left arrow and right arrow)
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Text: Move while hanging — Left analog stick (up arrow, down arrow, left arrow and right arrow)
Hold Yorda'syorudas hand / call her / pull her up — R1 button
Activate switch / throw lever — circle button
Pick up objects or weapons — circle button
Throw objects — circle button (whilst moving)
View surroundings — Right analog stick
Zoom in — R2 button
Press the START button at the Title Screen to display the Main Menu.
Select this option to begin a new adventure.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration showing Yorda'syorudas ability to open Idol Doors with a blinding light. We see her and Icoe-koʊ from behind. Both of their costumes have slight differences when compared to the final game. Icoe-koʊ has a strap rather than a mantle, and Yorda'syorudas dress is bisected at the waist, with her skirt having well defined folds in it. The Idol Doors themselves are uniquely huge and imposing. They also lack the intricate statues of curled up horned children they feature in the game.
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SOUND — Choose between STEREO or MONO audio output.
VIBRATION — Press the x button to ACTIVATE / DEACTIVATE the vibration function of your Analog Controller (DUALSHOCK 2)
HOLD TYPE — If TYPE A is highlighted, you must press and hold the R1 button to ensure that Yordayoruda keeps hold of your hand. If you select TYPE B, you will only need to press the R1 button once to encourage her to take your hand. To get her to let go, press the R1 button once again.
BUTTON CONFIGURATION — Highlight a control action and then press the button you want to assign to that action. Select DEFAULT to undo any changes.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of Icoe-koʊ in the process of climbing up a large chain. His body is framed to be small compared to the massive length of the hanging metalwork. A dim shadow of the scene is cast onto the wall behind him.
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Text: BRIGHTNESS — Press left arrow or right arrow to adjust the display settings.
Select this option to load a game you have previously saved to Memory Card. The Load Game screen will then be displayed. Press up arrow or down arrow to select the game file you want to load and press the x button again to confirm.
NOTE: details of how to save your progress are explained later in this manual.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of Icoe-koʊ, his back is to us as he puts effort into pushing a box as tall as he is. His weapon braced against one side of the cube, he seems to be putting a lot of pressure into his left leg, which is the furthest back. He is once again depicted with shorts and a strap across his torso.
Press the START button to pause the game and display this menu.
OPTION — Enter the Options Menu (explained earlier in this manual).
BACK — Resume the game.
END GAME — Quit to the Title Screen.
Page 10
Your adventure will begin in the gloomy sacrificial crypt. Your first task is to release Yorda,yoruda, who is trapped in an iron cage suspended high in the air. Once she is free, you can begin to look for a way out of your castle prison. Your journey will not be easy, for the entire fortress is designed to confuse and mislead those who tread its echoing halls.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda sitting on a save bench. Though in this illustration, it looks more like a properly shaped couch with cushions and circular arm rests. In this rendering, both the characters lack distinguishing features to their outfits, but Icoe-koʊ does have bandages around his head and the long pants seen in the final game. His mantle remains missing.
Yordayoruda however has a different hairstyle, her bangs sweep from left to right until they congeal into a long lock of hair that drapes down, past her right shoulder and onto her chest. This conceptual hair design has never been seen on a game model, even in beta builds.
Text: As you search for escape routes, you will face one mysterious puzzle after another. Some passages are blocked and must be cleared. Others require dangerous detours, or will only become visible when opened by some hidden trigger. Years of decay and disrepair have created many hazards — beware of walkways that crumble underfoot, and rusting chains that snap easily. Only with careful thought and patience will you find the path to freedom.
Many important routes can be found high overhead. Look out for handholds on walls, dangling chains, pipes, ledges and broken windows. Peer into the gloom or use a torch to discover useful escape routes that might be hidden in the darkness. Try looking into the distance from parapets or other high positions to see what lies ahead.
- To view your surroundings, push the right analog stick in the direction you want to look.
- Press the L2 button to zoom in on points of interest.
- When you reach a new stage of your journey, you will be given an overview of the new environment. Watch carefully for hints as to what you should do next.
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As you explore the fortress, you will encounter many mysterious dark spirits. They will rise up and try to drag Yordayoruda back to the portals. You must counter-attack in any way you can, barehanded if necessary. Be careful — the spirits only want Yorda,yoruda, but they will attack you if you get in their way. If the spirits recapture her, your quest will be at an end, so always try to keep her as close to you as possible. As there are some areas where she cannot follow you, you will find that you have no choice but to leave her at times.
- To call Yorda,yoruda, press the R1 button. If she is able to, she will walk towards you.
- To take Yordayoruda by the hand, walk up to her and press the R1 button. She will then walk along with you. To release her, press the R1 button again.
- Sometimes Yordayoruda will not have enough strength to climb, so you must help her. Walk to the edge and press the R1 button to bend down and pull her up (in some areas, she may climb up of her own accord when you press the R1 button).
- Yordayoruda may occasionally become disorientated and wander away. This will leave her vulnerable to attack by the spirits. If you cannot see her, press and hold the R1 button to call out. If she is nearby, you will be shown her location.
To save your progress, sit down on one of the stone seats that you will find in various areas of the castle. Both you and Yordayoruda must be seated in order to save the game.
When the Save Game screen is displayed, highlight YES and press the x button to confirm. Then select the file you want to save to. If you choose a file that already has data saved to it, you must select YES to confirm that you want to overwrite.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration showing three barrels laying sideways in a small patch of grass.
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You will often need to perform climbing and hanging moves to find routes through the castle. To jump up and grab a ledge, chain or pipe, press the triangle button.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of the Waterfall area. The water cascades in a torrent of white that is obscured only by the black form of the rope based suspension bridge that connects a large gap in the platforms.
Page 13
- To climb a ladder, walk up to it and press the up arrow. To climb down, press the down arrow.
- Yordayoruda will follow you up and down ladders if you encourage her. Once she is on a ladder, press the R1 button to get her to climb.
Jumping From Chains
- It is possible to jump forwards or backwards when you are hanging from a chain by pressing the triangle button.
Swinging From Chains
- By swinging back and forth on chains, you will find that you can manoeuvre yourself across great distances. To do this, press and hold the circle button. Then press left arrow / right arrow or up arrow / down arrow to swing.
- To let go of a swinging chain, press the triangle button.
- To slide down a chain, press the down arrow.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of the castle's Main Gate, from a perspective within the imposing castle walls. The gigantic doors are wide open and a bridge extends out beyond it to the mainland. Stretching from the foreground and far into the background are two lines of tall pillars that bear small, lit braziers at their peaks. The strangest part of this conceptual depiction is the sight of these torchlight pillars extending onto the castle's bridge, which in the final game has none and is fully retractable.
Page 14
- Sometimes you and Yordayoruda must make great leaps across chasms or broken bridges. These will often be leaps of faith, and may prove fatal.
- To leap, push the left analog stick in the direction you want to go and press the triangle button.
- To encourage Yordayoruda to follow you, turn towards her and press the R1 button.
- Keep an eye out for horizontal pipes or ledges that you can hang from. Once hanging, you can move along by pressing the left arrow button or the right arrow button.
- To let go of a ledge and drop, press the x button.
- To pull yourself up onto a ledge, press the triangle button.
- Look out for more handholds directly above or below you.
- Look out for objects that can be pushed or pulled. They can sometimes be used as steps, or as a way to open passages, operate machinery or reveal something useful.
- To push an object, lean against it and press and hold the circle button. Then push the left analog stick in the direction you want to push the object.
- Pulling an object is done in the same way, except that you push the left analog stick in the direction you want to pull the object.
- Press the circle button to pick up weapons and other objects.
- To put down an item that you are holding, press the circle button again.
- To throw an item, press the circle button whilst walking.
- To activate a switch or lever, walk up to it and press the circle button.
Page 15
- Throwing a pressure switch will usually open a door, or sometimes reveal an unseen avenue of escape.
- Some pressure switches must bear constant weight to keep a passage open - remove the weight and the passage will snap shut.
- Levers are used to operate machinery and open passages. They are not always near the devices they control.
These doors mark the progression from one stage to the next. They are intricately carved with images of the cursed souls who were imprisoned in the castle before you. At first, you will not be able [to] open Idol Doors on your own. That task must fall on someone who has a connection with the spirit realm. However, as you journey deeper into the castle, you may discover the secret to opening them yourself.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of The Castle in the Mist from above. It is very detailed with sharp contrast between dark and lit areas of the map. Only a small portion of the full castle layout can be seen from the diagonal trajectory, but among the landmarks are the crane, the railway, East Arena, and a vantage point where the player can see it all from in-game.
Page 16
To open one of these doors, you must apply weight to the pressure switch in front of it. Once you and Yordayoruda pass through the door, it may slam shut. If there is no pressure switch on the other side, it may be impossible to go back the way you came.
These gates can be opened by using special levers, or by those who possess unique powers.
These creatures of darkness will rise up from the castle foundations and try to recapture Yorda.yoruda. Most can not move quickly, but their attacks are relentless. Often, one of them will try to distract or injure you whilst the others drag the princess into a portal. You must defend yourself and Yordayoruda in any way you can.
These scampering creatures will congregate around Yorda,yoruda, but will not attempt to capture her. However, if you defeat a larger spirit that is nearby, they may morph into a replacement and launch an attack.
Sentries attack with their flightless wings. They will often try to separate you and Yordayoruda before picking her up and walking into a portal. Sentries are difficult to defeat as they can create protective shields around themselves.
These huge hulking spirits have the power to knock you across a room. They sometimes attack in pairs with such violence that you will find it impossible to counterattack. One of their main tactics is to back you into a corner so that you cannot protect Yorda.yoruda.
The sentinels are a pair of fierce and deadly apparitions. If they manage to capture Yorda,yoruda, they will use their powerful wings to fly her out of your reach.
Page 17
In the moments when the spirits materialise, it is possible to destroy them. To attack, press the square button. You can attack spirits that have latched onto Yordayoruda without fear of hurting her.
The stick can be used to defeat spider wraiths and sentries. You can also try attacking larger enemies with it, but it is less effective than stronger weapons. The stick will make a useful torch if you can discover how to light it.
If you have no weapon, you can still attack spirits by lunging at them with your horns. Press the square button and then push the analog stick in the direction you want to lunge to do this. Weaker spirits will be sent sprawling, but stronger ones may respond by hurling you across the room.
You must solve puzzles in order to win swords. They are far superior to the stick when it comes to fighting. Look out for one very special sword that possesses strange magical powers.
Image: A black, white, and light dusty brown illustration of Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda holding hands as they walk through an overgrown environment. To their right is a small pond. The landscape is dotted with architecture and constructs, such as a staircase, a set of arches, and a moderately tall parapet, but all are diffused in vines and tall grass that eats away at the structure. One pillar next to the stairs has completely toppled and broken apart.
Icoe-koʊ is once again portrayed in his early conceptual costume, sporting shorts and a diagonal strap along his torso. Yorda,yoruda, however, has a new difference to her costume design, a belt or rope along her waist bisects the top of her dress from the skirt, which has distinct folds in it, unlike the final design.
Page 18
To use a bomb against a spirit or to clear an obstruction:
- Light the fuse with a flame from a torch.
- Pick up the bomb by pressing the circle button.
- Push and hold the left analog stick in the direction you want to throw and press the circle button.
Look out for other items you can throw to defend yourself.
When you are knocked to the ground by a spirit, you will not be able to get back up immediately. If you are too slow, the spirits may be able to capture Yorda.yoruda. You can regain your strength faster if you quickly press the x, square, triangle and circle buttons / up, down, left, and right arrows, at random.
You must take great care as you explore the castle. If you suffer one of the following fates, your quest for freedom will be at an end.
FATAL FALLS — Both you and Yordayoruda can survive short drops, but a fall too far will kill you.
INJURIES — Some spirits have the power to throw you with such force that you can fall to your doom before you can defend yourself.
CAPTURE — If a spirit manages to drag Yordayoruda through a portal, you have failed in your mission to protect her.
If the game ends, select YES from this screen to continue play from the last stone seat where you saved your progress.
Page 19
Your adventure will begin with the search for Yorda.yoruda. There is no exit from this towering tomb without her. As soon as you have freed her from her iron prison, you will have to protect her from the spirits trying to drag her back into the darkness. Take the time to learn how to guide Yorda.yoruda. Learn when she will follow and when you must rush her out of danger. If you can make it outside, a commanding view of the castle complex will give you a hint as to escape routes. You will discover that your only hope of freedom is to travel further into the heart of this bewildering prison.
Take great care as you scurry along the crumbling castle battlements, for a miscalculated leap will mean a descent into oblivion. You and Yordayoruda may find that your fate lies in the strength of each other's grip. As you try to find a way to turn a door into a bridge, you will face a relentless show of force by the spirits.
Travel a long, windblown parapet to enter the first part of this baffling puzzle. Your next task is to open the mysterious circular doors. Symmetry is really two sides of the same riddle, one left and one right. You will confront the other side later in your quest. Beware the spirits who will try to reclaim Yordayoruda whilst pounding you into oblivion; a new weapon may even the score a little. Take great care in this place, for another cage awaits, and a hidden enemy is about to reveal herself.
Finding a path for Yordayoruda through this area will not be easy. Begin by solving the puzzle of the waterfall. Next, descend deep into the rocky ground and journey towards the seaside cliffs. The path will become perilous as you proceed towards the outer reaches of the castle. As you cross the decayed wooden walkways, you will find that many connecting bridges have crumbled into the ocean. Sometimes, progress will require a leap of faith. Look out for ancient systems that may help you to journey through this confusing and deadly place.
Page 20
Go deep underground to discover an ocean inlet where water cascades over jagged cliffs. You must travel upwards before descending out onto the cliff face. The ever-narrowing path will soon vanish completely, leaving you hanging onto the slippery rain-soaked rocks. Look into the darkness to find hand holds that may save your life.
The time of transition is near, and you must face evil in its most powerful form. If you succeed, you will win your freedom, and discover what fate has in store for your companion.
Page 21
Image: The page is left blank for the player to write their own notes as they progress through the game.
Page 22
Kuwabara, Tsutomu Kouno DIRECTOR Fumito Ueda PRODUCER Kenji Kaido EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Yasuhide Kobayashi SUPERVISOR Akira Sato, Fumiya Takeno, Masatsuka Saeki
CHARACTER ANIMATION Atsuko Fukuyama (Yordayoruda, Icoe-koʊ), Takeshi Ambe (Icoe-koʊ, Queen, Smokeman), Mizuki Muramatsu (Assistant Animator), Fumito Ueda (Lead Animator) BACKGROUND ARTISTS Kazuhiro Numata, Nanako Ohmura, Chikara Ueno, Mitsuhiro Shimooki, Katsuhiko Abe, Atsushi Morioka, Taijurou Hachiya, Mikiko Takeda, Kaihei Hayano, Tsutomu Kouno, [CHARACTER DESIGN] Fumito Ueda, Chika Fukui, Kazuhiro Numata, Mitsuhiro Shimooki
SYSTEM PROGRAM Jinji Horagai, Fumiaki Hara CHARACTERS AND OBJECTS Shotaro Omori, Hajime Sugiyama, PROGRAM Toshihiro Ito MOTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Hajime Sugiyama YORDA A.I.yoruda. a. eye. PROGRAM Shotaro Omori, Jinji Horagai DRAW ENGINE PROGRAM Takuya Seki VISUAL PROGRAM Hajime Sugiyama, Takuya Seki TOOLS PROGRAM Toshihiro Ito SCRIPTING Junichi Hosono
VOICE OF ICOe-koʊ Kazuhiro Shindou VOICE OF YORDAyoruda Rieko Takahashi VOICE OF THE QUEEN Misa Watanabe VOICE PRODUCTION Miho Kawagoe (TOHOKUSHINSHA FILM CORPORATION), Shinsaku Tanaka (TOHOKUSHINSHA FILM CORPORATION) RECORDING ENGINEER Hideki Yoshida SUBTITLES Hideo Sato ( A.M.L. ) TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION Junichi Kobayashi, Satoru Fukui, Toshitake Tsuchikura, Koji Mitsuda, Asako Sanada COVER / SOFTWARE Hironori Komiya, Takuya Izumi, MANUAL DESIGN Hiroe Suzuki (SMC), Shigeo Suzuki, Michiko Ando, Kenichirou Yasuhara (TOYOTAMA-YA) OVERSEAS CO-ORDINATION Katsuhiko Kanazawa, Masaaki Doi, Tsubasa Inaba, Mikiko Okai, Koji Saito
Page 23
Text: SPECIAL THANKS Shuji Hiramatsu, Kenichi Koike, Masanori Takano, Hajime Saito, Hiroyuki Fujita, Kiyoko Koyanagi, Yasuharu Yoshizawa, Susumu Abe, Tsutomu Hamura, Yasuhiro Takahama, Nobuaki Yamazaki, Noritaka Shimasaka, Masami Nakazawa, Masamichi Seki, Kentaro Nakagoshi, Taku Nishijima, Hiroshi Takekawa, Chikashi Aoki, Ryouichi Hasekgawa, Atsushi Matsushita, Mayumi Suzaki, Yukie Tachibana, Chihiro Shimozawa, Ayako Kojima, Ryouko Minamisawa, Takashi Otsuki, Yoshiaki Tazaki, Hiromi Hayashi, Yoshiyuki Seki, Makoto Sekiguchi, Takashi Sato, Kyouko Nakamura
Presented by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
© 2002 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
EUROPEAN SENIOR PRODUCT MANAGER Birgit Zich PRODUCER Sean Kelly EUROPEAN PR MANAGER Imogen Baker MANUAL AND PACKAGING DESIGN Steve O'Neill MANUAL EDITOR Ellie Gibson MANUAL APPROVALS Stephen Griffiths, Brian Goulbourn LOCALISATION CO-ORDINATOR Gaelle Leysour LEAD TESTER Sandra Raue SPANISH Yolanda Akil, Vanessa Ibanez FRENCH Yannick Paulet, Nadege Josa, Gaelle Grenapin GERMAN Katharina Tropf, Nadine Martin ITALIAN Monica Dalla Valle, Domenico Visone, Giacinto Attanasio INTERNAL QA MANAGER Dave Parkinson INTERNAL QA SUPERVISOR Jim McCabe TEAM LEADER Phil Green TRC AUDITORS Paul French, John Hale, Michael Kennedy TESTERS Ian Cunliffe, Ian McEvoy, Carl Seddon, Vincent Tse, Matthew Nuttall, Darren Perkins, Barrie Mitchell, Mark Cooney, Jenny Newby, Richard Grannell, Jonathon Wild, David Lyons, Kieran Gaynor, Shawn Burrows SPECIAL THANKS TO: Lee Ponting, Lisa Rose
Page 24
Text: Customer Service Numbers — POWERLINE FOR GAME HELP
Image: A page displaying 14 different service numbers across many countries including Denmark, Ireland, Australia, Italy, The Netherlands, France, and The Czech Republic. Just to name a couple. Additional information accompanies each number in the popular language of the respective region.
Text: Please call these Customer Service Numbers only for PlayStation Hardware Support. Details of all costs apply only to PowerLine Game Help numbers. For Game Help, please call your local PowerLine number.
Page 25
Text: Customer Service Numbers — POWERLINE FOR GAME HELP
Image: A page displaying 8 different service numbers across many countries including Portugal, New Zealand, Spain, and The UK. To name a few. Additional information accompanies each number in the popular language of the respective region.
Image: Near the bottom of the page is a tiny icon of a trash bin with wheels marked out by an 'x'.
Text: Where you see this symbol on any of our electrical products or packaging, it indicates that the relevant electrical product should not be disposed of as general household waste in Europe. To ensure correct waste treatment of the product, please dispose of it in accordance with any applicable local laws or requirements for disposal of electrical equipment. In doing so, you will help to conserve natural resources and improve standards of environmental protection in treatment and disposal of electrical waste.
Please call these Customer Service Numbers only for PlayStation Hardware Support. Details of all costs apply only to PowerLine Game Help numbers. For Game Help, please call your local PowerLine number.
Back Cover Advertisement
Text: From the creators of ICOe-koʊ comes an adventure like no other. The key to your destiny lies in this mysterious land; a place where creatures the size of mountains roam free...
Image: A PlayStation 2 disc case for Shadow of the Colossus stands upright on a series of loosely rolling hills, coated in a lush green grass. The sky behind the case is a murky grey and white. These colors are reflected in the game's cover itself, where a mighty giant towers over a young man on horseback. The colossus is the first of the game, and though it wields a mallet, it is not yet ready to strike with it. It is awash in a green color filter, which permeates the rest of the scene. In the background, a temple's highest point can be seen, pronounced by the white clouds behind it. The title rests over the torso of the giant 'Shadow of the Colossus'. The PEGI rating for the game is listed as 12+.
Text: www.playstation.com — SCES-50760 — www.icothegame.com
The "PS" PlayStation Logo, PlayStation, the term, the triangle, circle, x, square buttons, and DUALSHOCK, the term, are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Enttertainment Inc. The Sony Computer Entertainment Logo is registered trademark of Sony Corporation. All rights reserved.
ICOe-koʊ 2001-2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
Image: The cover is split into two images that fade into each other at the vertical center line.
On the left is the European box art for ICO.e-koʊ. Which features Icoe-koʊ and Yordayoruda as two small silhouettes, running, hand in hand, across a vast plane of yellow sand. Two structures impose in both the rightmost foreground and the leftmost background. The background structure is the windmill, seen from its side, a bridge at the top connecting another building that cannot be seen. The foreground structure is a series of stacked arches that a ladder allows access to.
The second image, to the right side, is the box art for Shadow of the Colossus. A mighty giant towers over a young man on horseback. The colossus is the first of the game, and though it wields a mallet, it is not yet ready to strike with it. It is awash in a green color filter, which permeates the rest of the scene. In the background, a temple's highest point can be seen, pronounced by the white clouds behind it. Birds fly high around the monstrous creature's bull-ish face.
Above both these images is the PS3 game's title: "ICOe-koʊ & Shadow of the Colossus" along with a "Classics HD" subheader.
Warning Page
•This disc contains software for the PlayStation 3 system. Never use this disc on any other system, as it could damage it. • This disc conforms to PlayStation 3 specifications for the PAL market only. It cannot be used on other specification versions of PlayStation 3. • Read the PlayStation 3 system Instruction Manual carefully to ensure correct usage. • When inserting this disc in the PlayStation 3 system always place it with the required playback side facing down. • When handling the disc, do not touch the surface. Hold it by the edge. • Keep the disc clean and free of scratches. Should the surface become dirty, wipe it gently with a soft dry cloth. • Do not leave the disc near heat sources or in direct sunlight or excessive moisture. • Do not use an irregularly shaped disc, a cracked or warped disc, or one that has been repaired with adhesives, as it could lead to malfunction.
Always play in a well lit environment. Take regular breaks, 15 minutes every hour. Discontinue playing if you experience dizziness, nausea, fatigue or have a headache. Some individuals are sensitive to flashing or flickering lights or geometric shapes and patterns, may have an undetected epileptic condition and may experience epileptic seizures when watching television or playing videogames. Consult your doctor before playing videogames if you have an epileptic condition and immediatley should you experience any of the following symptoms whilst playing: altered vision, muscle twitching, other involuntary movement, loss of awareness, confusion, and/or convulsions.
Some people may experience discomfort (such as eye strain, eye fatigue or nausea) while watching 3D video images or stereoscopic 3D games on 3D televisions. If you experience such discomfort you should immediatley discontinue use of your television until the discomfort subsides.
Generally we recommend that you avoid prolonged use of your Playstation 3 system and take 15 minute breaks during each hour of play. However, when playing stereoscopic 3D games or watching 3D video, the length and frequency of necessary breaks may vary from person to person - please take breaks that are long enough to allow any feelings of discomfort to subside. If syptoms persist, consult your doctor.
The vision of young children (especially those under 6 years old) is still under development. We recommend that you consult with your child's doctor or optometrist before allowing young children to watch 3D video images or play stereoscopic 3D games. Adults should supervise young children to ensure they follow the recommendations listed above.
The unauthorised reproduction of all or any game part of this product and the unauthorised use of registered trademarks are likely to constitute a criminal offence. Piracy harms consumers as well as legitimate developers, publishers and retailers. If you suspect this game product is an unauthorised copy, or have any other information about pirate product, please call your local Customer Service number given at the back of this manual.
For details about how to perform System Software updates for the Playstation 3 system, visit eu.playstation.com or refer to the PS3 system's instruction manual.
Image: A small dark square with a pair of white arrows circling each other to form a cycle.
If you experience any unacceptable, inappropriate or unlawful behavior while playing online, please contact us at http://ps3reporting.com
See back page of this manual for Customer Service Numbers.
Rating Page
The PEGI age rating system protects minors from games unsuitable for their particular age group. PLEASE NOTE it is not a guide to gaming difficulty. For further information visit www.pegi.info.
Comprising three parts, PEGI allows parents and those purchasing games for children to make an informed choice appropriate to the age of the intended player. The first part is an age rating:
Images: A row of five squares, each at a different gradient between light grey and dark grey. The first, and lightest, reads 3. The second, reads 7. The third, reads 12. The fourth, reads 16. The fifth, and darkest square, reads 18.
Text: The second part of the rating may consist of one or more descriptors indicating the type of content in the game. Depending on the game, there may be a number of such descriptors. The age rating of the game reflects the intensity of this content. The descriptors are:
Images: A row of eight black squares. Obscured in the black are several dull grey repetitions of the acronym 'PEGI', all printed diagonally. Overlapping and obscuring these letters are white and black images that represent each content warning.
In the first is a depiction of a clenched fist with sharp impact lines surrounding it. At the base it reads: 'VIOLENCE'.
The second square shows a speech bubble containing the symbols: @ * !exclamation point to symbolize an expletive. At the base it reads: 'BAD LANGUAGE'.
The third square depicts a semi-detailed silhouette of a spider from the top-down view. At the base it reads: 'FEAR'.
The fourth square displays interlocked Venus and Mars planetary symbols, commonly used to express female and male genders respectively. They are connected by the circles at the top of Venus' symbol and the base of Mars' symbol. At the base it reads: 'SEX'.
The fifth square shows a syringe partially filled with a liquid that appears to be draining out of the container. At the base it reads: 'DRUGS.'.
The sixth square features three people, some shaded differently. In the center is a human with a white outline and dark shading. Surrounding this figure, on both sides, are two completely white human silhouettes that appear to be slightly taller. At the base it reads: 'DISCRIMINATION'.
The seventh square shows a featureless globe with latitude and longitude lines, connected by a forking path to three computer monitors positioned below it. At the base it reads: 'ONLINE'.
The eighth square shows a pair of dice, each at an angle as they have yet to rest on one side. At the base it reads: 'GAMBLING'.
Text: The third part is a label indicating the game can be played online. This label may be used only by online game providers who have committed to uphold standards which include the protection of minors in online gameplay:-
For further information visit
Image: A black square. Obscured in the black are several dull grey repetitions of the acronym 'PEGI', all printed diagonally. Overlapping and obscuring these letters are larger, pure white letters reading 'PEGI ONLINE'.
This product has a preset Parental Control Level based on its content. You can set the Parental Control Level on the PlayStation 3 System to restrict the playback of a product with a Parental Control Level that is higher than the level set on the PS3 system. For more information, please refer to the PS3 system instruction manual.
This product is classified accoridng to the PEGI rating system. The PEGI rating marks and content descriptors are displayed on the product package (except where, by law, another rating system applies). The relationship between the PEGI rating system and the Parental Control Level as follows:
Image: A 'Parental Control Level' to 'PEGI Rating Age Group' correspondance table is shown.
Control Level 9 corresponds to Rating Age 18. Control Level 7 corresponds to Rating Age 16.
Control Level 5 corresponds to Rating Age 12. Control Level 3 corresponds to Rating Age 7.
And control Level 2 corresponds to Rating Age 3.
Text: In rare cases, the Parental Control Level of this product may be higher than the age rating which applies in your country, because of differences in the age rating systems in the various countries in which this product is sold. You may need to reset the Parental Control level on your PS3 system to enable play.
Fine Print:
FOR HOME USE ONLY: This software is licensed for play on authorised PlayStation 3 systems only. All unauthorised access, use or transfer of the product or its underlying copyright and trademark works is prohibited. See eu.playstation.com/terms for full usage rights. Library programs ©1997-2011 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. exclusively licensed to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE). RESALE AND RENTAL ARE PROHIBITED UNLESS EXPRESSLY AUTHORISED BY SCEE. Licensed for sale only in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, and Oceania.
The PlayStation Logo, "PlayStation" and "PS3" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. The PS3 Logo is a trademark of the same company. The Sony Computer Entertainment Logo is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. "Blu-ray Disc" and "BD" are trademarks. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. ICO ©2001 - 2011 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Shadow of the Colossus ©2005 - 2011 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd, 10 Great Marlborough Street, London, W1F7LP. Made in AUstria. All rights reserved.
Page 1
Set up the PlayStation 3 system according to the instructions in its instruction manual. At start-up, the power indicator light will glow red to indicate that the PlayStation 3 system is in Standby Mode. Press the power button and the power indicator light will turn green.
Insert the ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD disc into the disc slot with the label side facing upwards. Select the controller icon from the XMB Menu and press the x button to continue. Make sure there is enough free space on the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) before commencing play. Do not insert or remove peripherals once the power is turned on. Please refer to the PlayStation 3 system's instruction manual for further details about setting up and recharging a Wireless Controller.
Image: A black and white picture depicting the PS3 Main Menu, also known as the XMB or XrossMediaBar. The controller icon is highlighted and a drop down menu of icons has opened from it. In the bottom-left corner the words 'XMB™ Menu' serves as the image's label.
Text: The information in this manual was correct at the time of going to print, but some minor changes may have been made late in the product's development. All screenshots for this manual have been taken from the English version of this product.
Press up arrow, down arrow, left arrow or right arrow to highlight an option, then press the x button to confirm. To return to the previous menu screen, press the triangle button.
In this manual, up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow, etc. are used to denote the direction of the directional buttons and the left stick unless stated otherwise.
Page 2
Text: ICOe-koʊ
Ico'se-koʊs nightmare began on the day he drew his first breath. When his parents raised their newborn child up into the light, a scream rang out through the night. For there, in plain view, was the sign of a curse: two horns, small but distinct, protruding from either side of Ico'se-koʊs head.
On Ico'se-koʊs twelfth birthday, the faceless horsemen came for him. His family did not resist, nor did they weep for the loss of their child, for Ico'se-koʊs fate had been decided long ago. The horsemen rode deep into the dark forest and after many hours, a crumbling fortress came into view.
The horsemen dragged the terrified boy into a vast stone hall, where they bundled him into an ancient stone casket and pulled the heavy lid shut. Icoe-koʊ was left alone in the darkness, doomed to spend the rest of his days in silent torment.
But Icoe-koʊ is not truly alone in that vast and ominous place. A mysterious young girl named Yordayoruda also shares his prison. Together, with hope and perseverance, they will surely find a way to escape, to find their way back to the light...
Walk — circle button plus up arrow/down arrow/left arrow/right arrow
Run/swim — up arrow/down arrow/left arrow/right arrow
Move camera — right stick
Activate switch/pick up objects — circle button
Throw objects — circle button (whilst moving)
Lunge/strike with weapon — square button
Jump up — triangle button
Pull up from a hanging position — triangle button plus up arrow
Release froma hanging position — x button
Leap — triangle plus up arrow/down arrow/left arrow/right arrow
Climb up chains/pipes — up arrow
Climb down chains/pipes — down arrow
Hold Yorda'syorudas hand/call/pull her up — R1 button
Zoom camera in/out — R2 button
Access Pause Menu — START button
Page 3
Return to a previously saved game of ICO.e-koʊ
Start your ICOe-koʊ adventure from the very beginning.
Press the START button during gameplay to access the Options Menu.
Activate Full Pixel Mode to optimise the image quality of ICOe-koʊ on a High Definition television.
- If TYPE A is highlighted, you must press and hold the R1 button to ensure that Yordayoruda keeps hold of Ico'se-koʊs hand.
- If you select TYPE B, you will only need to press the R1 button once to encourage Yordayoruda to take Ico'se-koʊs hand. To make Yordayoruda let go of Ico'se-koʊs hand, press the R1 button again.
Activate or deactivate all stereoscopic 3D features.
*This game is playable in 2D or 3D. To enjoy stereoscopic 3D features, you will require a 3D TV that supports 3D stereoscopic display and 3D compatible glasses.
Highlight a control action and press the button you want to assign to that action. Select "Default" to undo any changes.
Page 4
Press left arrow or right arrow to adjust the display brightness.
Your adventure will begin in a gloomy sacrifical crypt. Your first task is to release Yorda,yoruda, who is trapped in an iron cage suspended high in the air. Once she is free, you can begin looking for a way out of your castle prison.
Many important routes can be found high overhead. Look out for handholds on walls, dangling chains, pipes, ledges and broken windows. Peer into the gloom or use a torch to discover useful escape routes that might be hidden in the darkness. Try looking into the distance from parapets or other high positions to see what lies ahead.
- To view your surroundings, move the right analog stick in the direction you want to look.
- Press the R2 button to zoom in on points of interest.
- When you reach a new stage in your journey, you will be given an overview of the new environment. Watch carefully for hints as to what you should do next.
As you explore the fortress, you will encounter many mysterious dark spirits. They will rise up and try to drag Yordayoruda away. You must counter-attack in any way you can, barehanded if necessary. Be careful: the spirits only want Yorda,yoruda, but they will attack you if you get in their way. If the spirits manage to recapture Yorda,yoruda, your quest will end, so always try to keep her as close to you as possible.
- To call Yorda,yoruda, press the R1 button. If she is able to, she will walk towards you.
- To take Yordayoruda by the hand, walk up to her and press the R1 button. She will then walk along with you. To release her hand, press the R1 button again.
- Sometimes Yordayoruda will not have enough strength to climb, so you must help her. Press the R1 button to bend down and pull her up. In some areas, Yordayoruda may climb up of her own accord when you press the R1 button.
- Yordayoruda may occasionally become disorientated and wander away. This will leave her vulnerable to attack by the spirits. If you cannot see her, press and hold the R1 button to call out. If she is nearby, you will be shown her location.
Page 5
To jump up and grab a ledge, chain or pipe, press the triangle button.
To climb a ladder, walk up to it and press up arrow. To climb down, press down arrow. Yordayoruda will follow you up and down ladders if you encourage her. Once she is on a ladder, press the R1 button to get her to climb.
-[transcript ends early. Apologies, this page is a work in progress]
These pages were transcribed by both Mystic_Ode and GreatDinn.